Mahalakshmi Samson
Online, Personal Life Coach & Counselling Psychologist
Free Webinar

Happiness Is A Choice

Are you living your life happily? 

Irrespective of who you are in your life, a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer, Entrepreneur, a Job Holder, or anyone for that matter,you would experience many challenges in your everyday life

 such as relationship issues, health issues, financial issues, performance issues and so on.

 It is important to properly process your negative emotions whenever you get to experience stressful challenges. 

It begins with embracing your imperfections.

Join my Live Webinar to learn 3 effective ways to make 

Happiness your Choice as well learn about HBM,

Happiness Breakthrough Model,

 a framework of 12Power Principles to make Happiness as your default choice.

‘Happiness is Choice’ webinar happens every Tuesday between 8.30pm-9.30pm.

What You Will Learn?

3 Ways To Stop Fitting In To Others Expectation
  • Everything begins & Ends with Emotional states
  • E-Motion
  • Structure of beliefs

3 Ways To Set Yourself Free From Perfectionism
  • To understand that Perfection is not an achievable goal.
  • Perfection is just a perception. 
  • The Master Emotion, Shame is born under the existence of Perfectionism.
 3 Ways to build Resilience
  • The 3 factors that protect us.
  •  Spirituality.
  •  Hope & Critical Awareness.

8000+ Lifes Touched

People through Life Skills Training & Life Coaching.

5100+ ★★★★★ Reviews

90% of the audience has valued the programs with 4.8 rating. It is a clear reflection of quality of curriculum and delivery.

1,50,000 + Members Aiming

My Goal is touch & Transform 1,50,000 individuals in the next 15 years through my
Life Skills Training and one-on-one Life coaching.

1000+ Lifes To Change

My Purpose in life is to Empower children of Sex Workers with Emotional Literacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few pointers before you attend this webinar.

How is Life Coaching different from Counselling?

 Counselling is about giving guidance to handle a specific situation or Challenge. Life Coaching is about the Life Coach being the external thinking partner and facilitate better decisions for clients at an emotional, physical & mental levels for a more joyful living while achieving the goals.

What is the right age to take up Life Coaching?

There is no upper limit for age but would be more effective from 16yrs

Who can take up Life Coaching?

Anyone who aspires to become their Best Version

We undergo training for Professional development. What is the necessity for Life Coaching?

Training is for skill Lieracy but Life Coaching provides emotional literacy through which all other achievement becomes possible of achieving.

Is everyone Coachable?

No. Though there are many who have goals, resources and ability to take up Life Coaching , but not all of them are Coachable. Only individuals who are willing to run that extra mile in listening quietly, taking feedback without judgments and work consistently to remove obstacles are the ones who are Coachable.

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