Happiness Is A Choice

Are you living your life happily?
Irrespective of who you are in your life,
a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer, Entrepreneur, a Job Holder, or anyone for that matter,
you would experience many challenges in your everyday life
such as relationship issues, health issues, financial issues, performance issues and so on.

It is important to properly process your negative emotions whenever you get to
experience stressful challenges.

It begins with embracing your imperfections.

Join my Live Webinar to learn 3 effective ways to make
Happiness your Choice as well learn about HBM,

Happiness Breakthrough Model,
a framework of 12 Power Principles to make Happiness as your default choice.

I am Mahalakshmi Samson, Founder, Mindocular Life Coaching Services

 I am an Online Personal Life Coach and a Counselling Psychologist. My objective in life is to create emotionally resilient empathetic & kind individuals who can manoeuvre the challenges, trials & tribulations of life and Yet be successful in life.
Over a decade, I have worked with many women, Teens, Parents, & Young adults about 8000+ of them through my Life skills training & Life Coaching Programs.

My Mission

Our education is not complete without Emotional Literacy. My mission is to provide Emotional Literacy that brings Happiness throughout our journey in reaching our goals. When we achieve Happiness then Success is a By-product. 

Transformational Life Coaching

With over a decade & a half of experience in Like Skills Training & Life Coaching, I help people with worthy goals to achieve Next Level Transformation. 

Breakthrough Coaching Mastermind

I have launched this community to help people Identify, understand their Strengths & Struggles to become their best version. It is about creating healthy Physical, Emotional & Mental Boundaries to achieve Success through it. Successful Breakthroughs happen here.

Breakthrough Coaching Mastermind

Learn 3 Wonderful Gifts Our Imperfections Offer

Make us humble.

Liberates us from unhealthily self-demanding expectations.

Move us away from the fixation of perfection.

5 ways to Wholehearted living

Perfection does not exist in nature itself.

It is important to embrace our lives from the place of worthiness.

Get up in the morning with ‘I am enough feeling.

Go to bed with the courage, feeling enough, to raise above your imperfection.

You are worthy of happiness, love and belonging.

Our emotions are there to school us.

Our emotions are great teachers.

They are messengers.

Waiting to deliver a message for you.

Anger, lets you know, your boundaries are crossed. 

Excitement means that you are experiencing something that energies you.

We have heard great user experience

Maha Maam’s sessions helped me to maintain balance of mental health and my emotions that were causing issues with myself and with others around me. Her timely interventions helped me to bounce back with grace & maturity in handling relationships.


Learning & Development Specialist.

Maha Maam’s Coaching sessions helped me with grounding thoughts with reality check that helps me handle my life in a mindful relaxed manner.

Prathap Ratchagan

Assistant Manager, Commercial Leasing, House of Hiranandhani

Maha Maam’s Life Coaching helped me to deal with my past, heal from it, outgrow my fears, sense of failure, and move past it. It is a realisation how strong I was made through her coaching.

Akshaya Lakshmi Narasimhan

Business Consultant, Mobius Knowledge Services

Thanks to Mahasam’s Mindocular services. It was a wonderful experience that flushed out the negativities that I was carrying for years out of me. It wholesomely rejuvenated me to flow fully and profusely.

Narenn Viswanathan

DCEO - Putra Intelek International College, Malaysia

Simple Process to Get Started

We have various membership levels to cater to your needs. Attend my next webinar to learn more and then get started. 


Happiness Breakthrough Model - Re-invent your Inner Resilience

12 Weekly Exclusive Connect


Lifetime Membership

₹ 19999/-

Everything in Silver +

One Group/Month Call With Small Groups of 25

180 days Challenge 


Weekly Exclusive Connects

Lifetime Membership

₹ 49999/-

Everything in Silver + Gold

2 Exclusive Leadership Courses

Weekly Exclusive Learning Connects

Accountability System


 Priority Support

Annual Subscription

Are You Embracing Your Imperfections Powerfully?

Download this FREE PDF where you will learn 6 interconnected aspects of Life that will help you to 'Embrace your Imperfections' powerfully.

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